What is hal.dll
Hal.dll, short for Hardware Abstraction Layer, is an operating system programming layer that enables the operating system to operate with a hardware device. hal.dll is the dynamic link library file that implements the functionality of Hal.
The reason why the Hal.dll error occurs
The reason why the Hal.dll error shows is because XP requires this file to help it run as smoothly as possible - it needs to communicate with the various hardware components of your system every time you use your PC. However, if this hal.dll file is either corrupt or damaged, XP cannot communicate with your hardware, resulting in a black screen with the following error appearing:
- Winnt_root\System32\Hal.dll missing or corrupt: Please re-install a copy of the above file
Fixing your Windows hall.dll missing solution
The most direct way is to download a new file and then install it on your computer. No matter the file is missing or corrupted, the new file can replace the original one. Please notice that you should put the file in its normal location (C:\Windows\System32), or you will still get the missing hal.dll error message. Another thing you should make sure is the file you download is not a virus or related with virus.
You also need to fix the "boot.ini" file on your system. This file is used extensively by all versions of Windows to help control what programs & files are loaded at boot. This file basically tells Windows which files need to be loaded up, and how they should be used. Unfortunately, many earlier versions of OS will actually corrupt & damage this part of your system, leading the file to become extremely unreliable. To fix this problem, it's advisable that you replace the boot.ini file on your PC.
This special file is responsible with filed that needs to be loaded \in the system and how this file should be use. Unfortunately the earlier version of Windows XP damage and corrupt this part of the system. It can lead to unreliable file and to fix the problem, it is recommended that you replace booy.ini. Hall.dll error can be prevented if these issues will be resolved right away. The best way to do is with the use tested registry cleaner.
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